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Top 10 Reasons To Buy A Used Car

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You may be wondering about the benefits of buying a used vehicle for your next vehicle purchase. Some people buy into the idea that only a new car will satisfy their needs, but that's not necessarily true. There are plenty of ways that a used car can benefit you tremendously. Here are ten things about used cars that you may want to consider.

1. Cars Last Longer Today

Modern vehicles are built to last, and if the previous owners took proper care of them, they would carry you many kilometres more. Today's used Hondas will run like new compared to the older cars that fathered today's misconceptions about used vehicles. So, when you look at the used inventory, rest assured you will likely be in good hands.

2. Less Depreciation

Many people know that new cars start depreciating early in their ownership. On the other hand, a used car has likely passed this big depreciation dip and will maintain its value much longer when you decide to make this car a trade-in.

3. Tried, Tested, And Reviewed

Before buying a used car, you can research the models and makes you have your sights on. Industry experts and everyday drivers like yourself have tried, tested, and reviewed the used car you want. You can easily research any used vehicle before buying it to ensure it is the right fit for you.

4. More Options For Your Budget

The biggest advantage of buying a used car after its initial depreciation is that the higher-end vehicles you may not have been able to afford when it was new may now be within your budget.

5. Thriving Used Car Market

Used cars are entering the market every day. The options that weren't available to you yesterday could become available at any time. The vast used car market is always full of opportunities, and if you are quick and determined enough, you can find an excellent car for a decent deal.

6. Find Any Car's History Online

The only resource you had to find out information about the car was the seller's word in the older days. Now, the car's entire history is online. From maintenance to accidents, you can find out everything the car has experienced.

7. Shop CPO For Extra Peace Of Mind

A certified pre-owned vehicle usually has extra perks. When a car passes a checklist that certifies it as kept in great condition, dealerships allow warranties that give you a little more peace of mind. Depending on the dealership, there may be more incentives, but the real sense of security is knowing that you will come out satisfied with your deal no matter what.

Pre-Owned Vehicle Specials Certified Pre-Owned

8. Car Insurance Is Cheaper

Insurance companies value the risk and reward ratio of your car. So more expensive cars tend to have higher insurance payments because fixing them will cost them more money. A used car, however, is a much lower risk after the initial depreciation dip. So if saving money is a priority for you, then a used car is the way to go.

9. Extended Warranties Are Available

Although a car may not be a CPO, there are still plenty of opportunities for extended warranties. These warranties often take place after the car's original warranty is over, adding a cushion to the amount of tie your vehicle is covered.

10. Registration Fees Are Cut Down

Since the vehicle's value is already depreciated, you can save on registration, as you only pay tax on your vehicle's book value rather than the total original price.

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Deciding to buy a car can be a daunting process, but choosing a used car can be the safer option in many ways. So contact us, and we'll put you in the driver's seat. Our Finance Centre offers loads of payment options to match your specific budget.

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